New Forest, Hampshire

Superyacht Charities

Car Event

As in previous years, Superyacht Charities 2025 Car Event will be all about Motors, Munchies and Music.

We will start the day with a Poker Run style checkpoint rally where Drivers and their Navigators will find their way through checkpoints out in the New Forest, picking up a playing card at each one which they combine with a final card at the finish to form their poker hand and see who wins.

Competitors will be able to stop and chat with each other at the checkpoints and even have time for a picnic or lunch at one of the many hostelries in the area before returning to park up their cars for judging in the ‘Best Looking Car’ competition. Cars will be entered into the Gas Guzzler or Green Gem class.

In the afternoon we will have live music with food stands offering Afternoon Teas and Street Food alongside a Gin Bar and a Summer Bubbles & Beer Bar.

Next Event Takes Place in July 2025



Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, SO40 7AA


09:30 – Car & Driver / Navigator Registration, Breakfast, Drinks & Pastries
10:30 – 10:45 – Poker Run Briefing
11:00 – 11:30 – Poker Run Starts
14:00 – Cars due back, Assemble for Judging
15:00 – General Admission Open
18:00 – Event Finish

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